How to Stop Zoloft Brain Zaps

Omega 3 fish oil is the only thing that stops Zoloft brain zaps or brain zaps from any antidepressant.

In most cases, the Zoloft brain zaps only begin when reducing the Zoloft. It is extremely rare for brain zaps to start when increasing the Zoloft dosage. You most likely did an internet search about Zoloft brain zaps because you are already reducing the Zoloft and brain zaps started. With this in mind we, will address this scenario first. Immediately, go to any store that sells supplements and look for a bottle of omega 3 fish oil that has the highest amount of EPA in each serving. Fish oil is made of two parts, EPA and DHA. It is the EPA in fish oil that will help, not the DHA.

Look at the back of the bottle and read the supplement label. Try and find a bottle that has at least 400mg of EPA in 2 soft gels.

You will likely need to take 2,000mg of the EPA to get relief. This could mean taking as many as 4 or 5 softgels at once. If you can’t find an omega 3 fish oil with 400 mg of EPA pick up the highest EPA bottle you can find.

In 2003, the first-person using omega 3 fish oil for brain zaps could only find a very cheap omega 3 and had to take 12 soft gels at once. The good news is that the brain zaps should subside within an hour.

Don’t reduce the Zoloft further at this point.

Ideally, go back up to the last dosage of Zoloft you were taking, when you did not have brain zaps, and remain there for the time being. If brain zaps were the only withdrawal side effect you experienced, get at least 4 bottles Omega 3 Supreme so you do not run out unexpectedly.

Using the Omega 3 Supreme, you should only need 1 soft gel in the morning and 1 in the early afternoon to stop the brain zaps from returning when you continue with the Zoloft withdrawal.

The next time you reduce the Zoloft if a brain zap starts, take an extra Omega 3 Supreme and the next day you should only need the 2 in a day again.

As you continue with the Zoloft withdrawal, if a brain zap tends to still start the day or day after you reduce the Zoloft, start taking 2 Omega 3 Supreme in the morning and afternoon the day before you reduce the Zoloft. Then one day after the Zoloft reduction, go back to the 1 soft gel in the morning and 1 in the early afternoon.

If you have not started reducing Zoloft yet or have gone back to the last dosage of Zoloft to stop the withdrawal side effects

Do not reduce the Zoloft until you have the Omega 3 Supreme. Get at least 4 bottles and when they arrive start taking 1 soft gel in the morning and 1 in the early afternoon. Keep taking the Omega 3 Supreme for 45 days after the last dosage of the Zoloft. That approach should do it.

If you have other Zoloft side effects or are about to start Zoloft withdrawal, click here.